Commercial Dumpster Cleaning 

If you have commercial dumpsters in your business - you know you need us! 
No Judgement. Dumpsters get nasty. It's the nature of the beast. If your dumpsters handle commercial garbage like restaurant food waste, gas station, convenience store, and food service trash, or even garbage from rental apartments, you know that regularly scheduled cleaning is a MUST. Dumpster pads accumulate a variety of hazardous materials, including grease, oil, bacteria, and other contaminants. Regular cleaning helps to maintain a safe and healthy environment for your employees, customers, and the community. It reduces the risk of slips and falls, odors, pests, and potential health hazards.

Commercial Dumpster Cleaning 

Many cities have local ordinances and environmental regulations that require businesses and rental properties to comply with their standards for dumpster maintenance. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines and penalties, so hiring our professional team to take care of your dumpster area can actually SAVE you money in the long run. We deep clean the dumpster's interior and exterior with hot water, and high temperatures, and high-end cleaning solutions. This breaks down the dirt, soil, stains, spills, and gunk that make your dumpster smell bad and look unsanitary. We also clean the cement pad the dumpster rests on and the surrounding area to eliminate pests and residual stains.
Get AJ's Pressure Washing on speed dial. We can get those greasy, smelly, grimy dumpsters looking clean and rejuvenated. We use cleaning solutions and hot water to thoroughly clean and sanitize all the surfaces, eliminating odors, germs, and pests. Grease, first and grime actually damages the surface of your dumpster and degrades the pad, so keeping it clean is a great way to extend the life of the concrete pads. Clean dumpster areas are a win-win for everyone.
Call AJ's Pressure Washing today! 
Commercial Dumpster Cleaning